Local wildlife advocates are advising local mariners and residents to be be on the look out for any manatees roaming the waters of the Outer Banks.
The OBX Stranding Network is asking for any sightings to be reported to their hotline at 252-455-9654.
“In particular, we are looking for a manatee that was last reported on 11/2 in Kitty Hawk that has three white scars on its back,” according to a Facebook post.
That manatee, caught on video Nov. 2 by Mike Jamison before a kayak tour near Kitty Hawk Bay, appears to be the same one spotted several times over the summer on the Outer Banks.
When sudden drops in air temperatures lead to similar decreases in water temps, marine mammals and reptiles such as turtles can suffer adverse effects known as cold-stunning.
The stranding network works with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to assist in returning manatees to warmer waters as needed.
Manatee sightings have become a more regular occurrence in local waters. One with distinct propeller marks was spotted several times over the summer across the Outer Banks, and most recently in September at Coast Guard Station Oregon Inlet.
And manatees have been spotted as far north as coastal Virginia during summer migration season, according to the USFWS.
This story originally appeared on OBXToday.com. Read More local stories here.
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