Sarsfield named Dare County Employee of the Month for July 2024 – OBX Today

July 2024 Employee of the Month Sherriann Sarsfield, who serves as chief water treatment plant operator for the Dare County Water Department’s Joseph “Mac” Midgett Reverse Osmosis Water Plant.
(Dare County)

Sherriann Sarsfield, who serves as chief water treatment plant operator for the Dare County Water Department at the Joseph “Mac” Midgett Reverse Osmosis Water Plant in Rodanthe, has been named Dare County Employee of the Month for July 2024. The prestigious award was presented to Sarsfield by Dare County Public Utility Director William Nash during the Dare County Board of Commissioners meeting that was held at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, July 16, 2024.

Sarsfield began her service to Dare County on July 1, 2002, when she was initially hired as a water treatment plant operator at the Joseph “Mac” Midgett Reverse Osmosis Water Plant in Rodanthe—which is commonly referred to as “RWS” due to the fact that it provides service to customers in Rodanthe, Waves and Salvo—before being promoted to her current position as chief water treatment plant operator on September 16, 2012.

In this position, Sarsfield is tasking with completing a variety of tasks that are essential to the successful operation of the facility, including performing daily inspections of the plant to ensure all aspects are operating properly; troubleshooting any issues that arise and performing repairs as needed; monitoring gauges, meters and control panels and recording readings; collecting samples, verifying that analyses have been completed and assisting with laboratory analyses as needed; as well as regulating and adjusting various instruments and apparatus to meet changing operating conditions at the facility.

Dare County Water Service Director William Nash presenting the award to Sherriann Sarsfield.
Dare County Public Utility Director William Nash presented the award to Sherriann Sarsfield.

In addition to these duties, Sarsfield is also responsible for obtaining quotes for maintenance items, safety supplies, spare parts and equipment; as well as training and directing staff members who are assigned to the plant and inspecting the work that is performed by these employees; and responding to inquiries from the general public about water quality in Dare County, among many other important responsibilities.

As he began his Employee of the Month presentation, Nash noted that the Dare County Water Department recently held a cross-training session that required all five of the department’s chief water treatment plant operators to rotate throughout each of Dare County’s five water treatment facilities in order to provide their feedback regarding each plant’s individual operations and outputs—and to offer any recommendations they may have for ways these operations could potentially be improved.

“During this cross-training session, multiple employees came up to me about Sherriann and the work she was doing, the recommendations she was giving and what a great contribution she was giving to each one of the facilities,” said Nash. “So one of the employees that she worked with nominated her for Employee of the Month, and I have their words here that I’d like to share with you.”

Sherriann standing with her Dare County Water Department supervisors.
From left to right: Stumpy Point Water Treatment Plant Superintendent Robert Wernock, Joseph “Mac” Midgett Reverse Osmosis Water Plant Chief Water Treatment Plant Operator Sherriann Sarsfield and Dare County Public Utility Director William Nash stand together after the award presentation.

Nash continued by sharing the praise that one of Sarsfield’s colleagues provided in their Employee of the Month nomination form, which highlighted the positive impact she has made on both her fellow employees at the Joseph “Mac” Midgett Reverse Osmosis Water Plant in Rodanthe, as well as the entire Dare County Water Department throughout her 22 years of service to Dare County.

“Sherriann has constantly demonstrated exceptional performance in her role. Her hard work, dedication and professional attitude have made significant impacts at the RWS facility and to the Water Department as a whole,” Nash read from the nominator’s remarks. “Sherriann’s commitment to excellence sets the standards that others within the organization strive to reach and maintain. Sherriann has a leadership that creates a positive and productive work environment that supports those working around her, allowing them to achieve professional growth as well as success in the water industry.”

The nomination form continued by stating, “Sherriann deserves recognition for her achievements and contributions to the Dare County team. She is a true asset to our organization, and I am confident she will continue to make positive impacts for those that work with her for many more years to come.”

As he concluded his remarks and presented Sarsfield with her Dare County Employee of the Month certificate for July 2024, Nash commented, ”Once again, Sherriann, congratulations on Employee of the Month!”

For more information about the Dare County Water Department, please visit