Fred Smith Company continues construction on living shoreline and resiliency project – OBX Today

This week, Fred Smith Company will continue construction as they dig out the bio-retention areas and replace them with fill.

Please be advised that the sidewalks in the project area remain closed due to ongoing construction. The presence of construction crews and equipment creates unsafe conditions for pedestrians. Throughout this week, crews will be actively working along the sidewalks. Portions of the sidewalk remain to be filled and there are hazardous drop- offs on the sidewalk that has been poured. Fred Smith Company will be working to fill these grade differences in the coming weeks. To ensure everyone’s safety, we encourage the use of alternate means of travel while pedestrian access is limited. If you must travel through the construction area, please proceed with extreme caution.

Expect lane closures and traffic delays as construction continues. This schedule is subject to change.

Be patient, mindful, courteous, and cautious while driving through the construction area. Motorists should be aware of lane closures and be diligent to not block intersections if stopped. This keeps everyone safe as the project continues.

Click here to learn more about the project.