The Town of Duck announces that Fred Smith Company, the company performing construction on the Living Shoreline and Resiliency Project occurring on NC-12, will be transitioning to a new work schedule. After January 1, 2024, crews will be working 24-hour shifts, five days a week, from Sunday night to Friday night to expedite the completion of the roadway reconstruction portion of the Living Shoreline and Resiliency Project. Single lane closures will occur during this 24/5 schedule.
Town Staff has actively addressed concerns regarding lighting and noise impacts with Fred Smith Company. To minimize disruption, the company will utilize directional lights pointed westward over the Currituck Sound, reducing light pollution affecting nearby residents. Additionally, Fred Smith Company has committed to the implementation of noise mitigation strategies.
The 24/5 schedule is expected to significantly reduce the duration of road reconstruction from the originally planned seven weeks to a projected four weeks. This accelerated timeline translates to a shorter period of inconvenience for residents and businesses impacted by the road reconstruction on NC-12. The completion date of the project is estimated to be completed by mid- May.
The Town of Duck is committed to keeping the community informed of project updates. Regular project updates and contact information will be available on the Town’s website and social media platforms.