Dare County’s case count for COVID-19 has held steady at fifteen for a second straight day, but local health officials continue to stress maintaining social distancing and other measures to prevent further spread of the coronavirus.
Eleven patients have recovered or are asymptomatically cleared, meaning they are seven days post testing with no symptoms. Three have not experienced any COVID-19 symptoms, and there has been one death.
In North Carolina, there are currently 5,024 cases of COVID-19 in 93 counties. There have been 108 fatalities in the state associated with COVID-19, with 418 hospitalizations.
Peak Resources Update
Local public health remains in daily contact with Peak Resources. Two of the five individuals associated with Peak are now considered asymptomatically cleared and the other three remain asymptomatic. Peak continues to adhere to all NC DHHS guidance to stop the spread of COVID-19, including temperature checks of all staff upon arrival to work and before starting their shift and a minimum of twice a day temperature checks for all residents.
Clinical Trials
There is tremendous work being done across the globe and nation in the field of COVID-19 research. The World Health Organization’s International Clinical Trials Registry Platform lists 927 clinical trials currently underway for COVID-19. The National Institute of Health’s registry currently shows 469 clinical trials related to COVID-19.
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a policy to allow developers of certain serological tests to begin to market or use their tests once they have determined that their tests are accurate and reliable. Serological tests help healthcare professionals to identify individuals who have overcome an infection in the past and have developed an immune response. In the future, this may potentially be used to help determine, together with other clinical data, that such individuals are no longer susceptible to infection and can return to work.
Until such time as the research begins to result in community level access to serological testing, vaccines and treatment for COVID-19, we must all continue to use the tools we have readily available to combat COVID-19: staying at home unless going out for essential needs, social distancing, limiting direct contact with anyone other than immediate family members, and practicing good hygiene.
Economic Impact Payment
The IRS has created an Economic Impact Payments Information Center to answer questions about eligibility, payment amounts, what to expect, when to expect it and more.
Mortgage Relief Options
If you’re among those financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, you might be concerned about how to pay your mortgage or rent. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has released a guide to coronavirus mortgage relief options including information about protections for renters.
Stay informed with accurate, updated information from credible sources. Visit the CDC website at cdc.gov/coronavirus or NCDHHS at ncdhhs.gov/coronavirus. For information specific to the response in Dare County, visit darenc.com/covid19.
The Dare County COVID-19 Call Center can be reached at 252-475-5008 Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Staff is available to answer your questions regarding all aspects of response efforts, including testing,
To protect our citizens and staff, we ask you to call or email the office to ask how we may be able to assist you remotely. Staff are available from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday – Friday. The public safety building remains closed to non-emergency visitors.
Bulk trash collection scheduled for April 17 has been postponed. Please do not place items at the curb at this time. Dispose of what will fit in your trash can. We will reschedule the collection as soon as possible.
Bulk waste permits are currently not available from the office due to the temporary closure of the Kitty Hawk facility.
Town Facilities-Town facilities remain closed to the public and all Town Hall business is being conducted via phone, email, fax, or other virtual means. In the event of an emergency, please call 911.
Meetings – The April 20, 2020 Planning Board meeting has been cancelled. Consideration of the new flood maps and update to Southern Shores Town Code Chapter 16, Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance will be added to the next meeting agenda. The next scheduled meeting is to be held on May 18, 2020. A Special Meeting could be called prior to that meeting in the event the current COVID-19 situation improves within that timeframe.
The Southern Shores Town Council will hold a Special Meeting on Monday, April 20, 2020 at 1:00 p.m., in the Pitts Center located at 5377 N. Virginia Dare Trail, Southern Shores, NC 27949. The purpose of the Special Meeting is to conduct a Closed Session pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11 (a)(6) regarding the ongoing Town Manager selection process. The Closed Session will be the only item of business.
The Southern Shores Town Council’s next Workshop meeting is scheduled to be held Tuesday, April 21, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. in the Pitts Center located at 5377 N Virginia Dare Trail, Southern Shores, NC (Utilizing the Zoom platform/app) Southern Shores Notice-Electronic Participation April 21, 2020
Building Inspections-Building inspections are still being conducted, however, meetings in person with the Building Inspector on-site are limited. Inspection requests should be called in to the Planning & Code Enforcement Department by calling 252-261-2394 ext. 3 or email Dabni Shelton, Permit Officer at [email protected]. Permit applications can be submitted online by utilizing the link to Citizenserve on the Town website: https://www.southernshores-nc.gov/online-permit-submittals/. Feel free to call the Planning & Code Enforcement Department at 252-261-2394 ext. 3 should you have any questions.
Police Department-The Southern Shores Police Department would like you to be aware of possible scams/fraud attempts in the coming weeks, as it relates to COVID19 Economic Impact Payments from the Federal Gov’t. Please read the attached press release from the US Secret Service Charlotte Office. https://www.southernshores-nc.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/COVID-19-Press-release-CHAFO-040320.pdf
Town offices are open normal business hours 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. Face-to-face contact is being limited. Before visiting any Kitty Hawk office, please check the appropriate website or call to discuss the best way to conduct business. For contact information, please visit https://www.kittyhawknc.gov/coronavirus-disease/.
The Town’s Planning Board Meeting Scheduled for April 16, 2020 has been cancelled due to no submissions.
The Town’s Spring Chipping Service has been rescheduled for April 27, 2020. Please place your debris in the right of way, at least 3 feet from the side of the road. Debris can be no larger than 4 inches in diameter and 6 feet long. No stumps, lumber, leaves or yard clippings will be collected.
Thank you to everyone making sacrifices and staying at home. We know it’s not easy, but you are making a difference. Social distancing is not just about your health. It is about the health of your friends, your family, and your community. Social distancing is one of the precautionary measures that the Town has been practicing in an effort to keep both our Staff and customers protected.
Access to Town offices remain restricted. However, Town Departments have made adjustments to continue serving you in a safe, yet, proficient manner. Many services can be conducted by phone, email, fax, or by using our website. Please visit our website, www.kdhnc.com for each Department’s contact information and updates to their daily operations.
Throughout this difficult and uncertain time, we want to assure you that the Town of Kill Devil Hills is here for you. We will continue communicating information, sharing preparedness measures, and providing our usual top-notch customer service.
Planning Board Meeting:
In order to maintain the safety of Town residents, Staff, and board members, the Kill Devil Hills Planning Board will conduct an electronic meeting on Thursday, April 16, 2020, at 9:00 a.m., using Zoom software. There are several methods the public can participate in or view the meeting.
View meeting agenda:
View participation instructions:
Kill Devil Hills is making every effort to ensure that the public is able to not only listen to the meeting, but also to participate in the public comment portion of the Planning Board meeting while still maintaining all of the Town’s statutory requirements and keeping the public safe. Thank you for your interest in the Town and your patience and understanding during this unusual time.
The Nags Head Board of Commissioners meeting scheduled for 9 a.m. on Wednesday, April 15, 2020 will be conducted electronically and can be accessed by the public via the Zoom platform. The agenda is available on the Town’s website at www.nagsheadnc.gov.
The public should adhere to local and state health guidelines and not attend this meeting in person.
To provide comments for the Public Comment portion of the meeting and/or to provide comments for the Public Hearing please use the email address listed below. Comments will be read aloud during the meeting.
To view and listen to the Board meeting remotely, register at: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_YjqmiLnuR-CUDH5LI0svCg
Please email your comments for the Public Comment portion or for the Public Hearing here: [email protected] (Comments will also be accepted during the Board meeting) Comments should include your name and address and be limited to five minutes when read aloud.
The meeting recording will be available on the Town’s YouTube channel (youtube.com/townofnagshead) as soon as possible after the live meeting. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to offer this solution during this unprecedented time. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Town Clerk Carolyn Morris at [email protected] or at 252-449-2009.
Nags Head Fire & Rescue is working with businesses in our town to help them comply w/ the occupancy regulations in Governor Cooper’s Executive Order 131. Need to know how many people can be in your store at one time? Call NHFR at 252- 441-5909. Visit ow.ly/9boA50zd19u for more information on Governor Cooper’s order.
Board Meetings – 04/14 Planning Board meeting cancelled due to lack of agenda items. 04/15 Board of Commissioners meeting will be held at 5:00 p.m. via teleconference. Public can call in at 253/215-8782, 301/715-8592, or 346/248-7799 and then enter Meeting ID 622-572-789.
Town Operations – Access to Town Hall is limited. Call 473-2133 first to handle issues over the phone or online. Ring doorbell and use intercom prior to entry. Utility service disconnections, late fees, and penalties are suspended. Water charges will still be billed. Payment plans are available. Sanitation is on the regular schedule. Bulky item pick-ups are only Monday and Thursday.
Police Department – Access to Police Department is limited. If emergency, dial 911. Call 473-2069 for non-emergency weekday service or 473-3444 after hours. Ring doorbell and use the intercom prior to entry during weekdays. There is a call box for after-hours use at the MPD entrance.
Public Facilities – Town parks are open. Practice social distancing. Playgrounds and restrooms are closed. Pea Island Cookhouse Museum, Maritime Museum, and Lighthouse are closed. Downtown Marina is closed to visitors.
Special Events – 05/02 Litter Pick-Up postponed to 11/14. Downtown Market postponed until further notice.
The next bulletin will be issued no later than 1 p.m. on Wednesday, April 15.
This story originally appeared on OBXToday.com. Read More local stories here.
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