Dare County health officials stressed Thursday that the number of positive cases of COVID-19 coronavirus reported so far does not give the full picture of what is happening with the coronavirus on the Outer Banks.
Three positive tests have been reported so far in Dare County, with two of the three individuals have completely recovered from their illness. The third person remains in isolation and is improving daily.
Sheila Davies, director of Dare County Health and Human Services, said in a video posted Thursday afternoon her department will continue to report any positive results as soon as possible.
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According to the Dare County Control Group bulletin issued on Thursday at 12:30 p.m., this is an extremely challenging time and it is necessary to find ways to maintain good physical and mental health.
By practicing self responsibility and taking care of ourselves and focusing on what we are doing and less on what others are doing, we will have a healthier community.
According to health officials, no product exists that will prevent you from getting the coronavirus or cure you if you already have the virus. The best way to protect yourself is by taking common-sense health precautions. Beware of people selling cure-all vaccines, drugs, or any other products. Consult with a doctor or health professional before you buy or use any products in an effort to prevent COVID-19. Remember – if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.
When making decisions to protect you and your family from COVID-19 , be sure to rely on credible sources for updated information. Visit the CDC website at www.cdc.gov/coronavirus or NCDHHS at www.ncdhhs.gov/coronavirus. For information specific to Dare County, visit www.darenc.com/covid19.
Dare County
For updated information regarding Dare County services and department operations, visit www.darenc.com/covidservices. For a list of community resources, visit darenc.com/covidresources
To reach the Dare County COVID-19 Call Center, call 252.475.5008. Staff is available Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m to 5:00 p.m. to answer your questions.
The Dare County Board of Commissioners will hold their regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, April 6 at 9:00 a.m. at the Dare County Administration Building in Manteo. The meeting will be streamed live and can be accessed via www.darenc.com or www.currenttv.org. Public comment may be submitted to the Board by sending an email during the meeting to [email protected]
The Outer Banks Hospital
We are very grateful for the outpouring of love and support during the COVID-19 Crisis. The community’s compliance with the Stay at Home order, the messages of hope, and the donations keep the resolve of those on the front lines.
We do want the community to know that right now we have ample supplies and access to state and system resources as back-up. We continue to prepare every day for the potential of a surge and our supplies are intact.
Your love and generosity are much appreciated by our team members. Thank you.
Town of Duck
We apologize for the technical difficulties during the live stream of last night’s Council Meeting. The audio corrected video can be found at www.townofduck.com/town-council and the Town’s YouTube channel.
The April 8 Planning Board meeting has been canceled.
Town of Southern Shores
In order to maintain the safety of Town residents, staff, and the Town Council, the Town Council meeting scheduled for Tuesday, April 7, 2020 will now be conducted electronically using Zoom software. Only a quorum of the Town Council will be present at the meeting. The remaining Council Members will all participate remotely.
The Town Council meeting time has been rescheduled to 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 7, 2020 to accommodate the carryover of agenda items from the canceled March 24, 2020 Budget Work Session.
What does this mean for those looking to participate in the meeting?
There are three ways the public can participate in the meeting:
1. Join the meeting through Zoom on your computer or cellphone.
Simply click on the following link or type it into your internet browser: https://zoom.us/j/612186193
Meeting ID: 612 186 193
If you have not used Zoom before, you are encouraged to download the application from their website at Zoom.us and try it out prior to the meeting. There is no cost associated with the software or attending the meeting.
2. Join the meeting through audio only via telephone.
Simply call: +1 253 215 8782 US or +1 301 715 8592 US When prompted, enter meeting ID: 612 186 193 followed by the Pound sign (#). Depending on your carrier, long distances charges may apply.
3. Submit your public comments to the Town Clerk prior to the meeting
Email: [email protected]
The comments will be read into the record during the public comment portion. Please include your name and address in your comment. Comments should be limited to 3 minutes when read aloud.
Public Comment can be submitted via chat during the live public comment period. Please include your name and address in your comment. Comments should be limited to 3 minutes when read aloud.
The Town is making every effort to ensure that the public is able to not only listen to the meeting, but also to participate in the public comment portion of the Council meeting while still maintaining all of the Town’s statutory requirements and keeping the public safe. This will be a first for all of us and we thank you for both your interest in the Town’s affairs and your patience and understanding while we navigate these uncharted waters together.
In an effort to comply with social distancing guidelines for mitigating the potential spread of COVID-19, citizens who attend the April 7, 2020 Town Council meeting should keep a minimum distance of six (6) feet from others prior to, during, and following the meeting. Seating in the Pitts Center has been arranged in a manner that complies with this guideline (maximum occupancy of 10). The meeting recording will be posted on the Town website as soon as possible following the meeting.
Town of Kitty Hawk
Town offices are open normal business hours 8:30 am to 5:00 pm. Face-to-face contact is being limited.
Before visiting any Kitty Hawk office, please check the appropriate website or call to discuss the best way to conduct business. For contact information, please visit https://www.kittyhawknc.gov/coronavirus-disease/.
Town Begins Ocean Rescue Patrol
To ensure the safety of our citizens utilizing our beaches, the Town will begin Ocean Rescue Patrol on April 2, 2020. This mobile patrol is weather dependent and will be between the hours of 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.
The Town Council Meeting scheduled for April 6, 2020 at 6:00 pm will be held as planned. In order to maintain the safety of Town Citizens, Staff and Council, this meeting will be live streamed. There will be several ways to watch, listen and or participate. For more information about how to view the meeting click here .
In response to the County’s Stay Home. Stay Healthy Order:
The Town’s Recycle Center will be closed until further notice.
The playgrounds at Paul Pruitt Park and Sandy Run Park are closed. The parks will remain open for passive recreational activities. When visiting any of the Town’s parks please practice social distancing.
The Spring Chipping Service will not be held in April and has been postponed until the Fall.
Town of Kill Devil Hills
Kill Devil Hills’ Town offices are accessible by appointment only. If you have business with the Town call, email, or visit our website to gain assistance or to schedule an in person appointment. Department’s contact information and updates to their daily operations can be found on our website, www.kdhnc.com.
Our Planning and Inspections Department is now conducting all permitting services electronically. Applications, forms, and more information can be found on our website.
The April 6th Board of Commissioners meeting has been cancelled. A list of additional meeting and event cancellations are also on our website.
In accordance with the Governor’s Stay at Home Order (Executive Order No. 121), the Town of Kill Devil Hills has temporarily closed the following facilities: the restrooms and playground at Aviation Park, the playground at Copley Park, the playground at Hayman Park, and the restrooms at the Ocean Bay Boulevard beach access. These facilities will remain closed to the public until further notice. When engaging in outdoor activity, remember to practice social distancing.
In addition, the Town’s Dry Trash Drop Off and Recycle Center is closed until further notice.
We need all of our citizens to take the Stay at Home Order seriously. Social distancing continues to be the best defense against COVID-19. Individually, we must each take action to stop the spread by maintaining your distance, washing your hands, and staying home – unless it is absolutely essential. Together we will make a difference.
Town of Nags Head
As an essential service, the Town of Nags Head will continue to serve its residents and businesses as best as it can during this unprecedented crisis. At this time, we will remain open, but we continue to ask that you conduct your business with the Town either online or via the phone. Visit nagsheadnc.gov/coronavirus for more information on doing business with the Town at this time. If you do not have computer access, please call 252-441-5508 from 8:30 am – 5 pm, Monday through Friday.
We are making every accommodation possible to ensure that your Town of Nags Head services are uninterrupted. We understand that, unlike others, our services must continue through this crisis.
A recording of the Town of Nags Head’s April 1, 2020 Planning Board meeting is available at http://nagsheadnc.gov/AgendaCenter/Planning-Board-4.
Town of Manteo
Town Operations – Sanitation, Water & Sewer, Permits & Inspections, and Law Enforcement continue service delivery. Access to Town Hall is limited. Call 473-2133 first to see if your item can be handled over the phone, online, or via other means. You will need to ring the doorbell and use the intercom prior to entry. Utility service disconnections are suspended during this emergency. Please note that utility fees will still be charged. Sanitation is on its regular schedule. Bulky item pick-ups are limited to Monday and Thursday.
Police Department – Access to the Police Department is limited to urgent matters. You will need to ring the doorbell and use the intercom prior to entry during weekdays. If you have an emergency, dial 911. Please call 473-2069 for non-emergency assistance during weekdays or 473-3444 after hours. There is a call box for after-hours use located at the police department entrance.
Public Facilities – Town parks remain open, and park visitors must avoid crowd-gathering and use social distancing. Playgrounds and public restrooms are closed. The Pea Island Cookhouse Museum, the Maritime Museum, and the interior of the Lighthouse remain closed. Downtown Marina is closed to visitors.
Special Events – The 05/02 Litter Pick-Up is postponed to 11/14. The Downtown Market is postponed until further notice.
The next bulletin will be issued no later than 1 p.m. on Friday, April 3.
This story originally appeared on OBXToday.com. Read More local stories here.
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