Temporary fencing meant to keep the Currituck Outer Banks’ wild mustangs on the 4×4 beaches is coming down today after an unintended consequence: fish getting caught in the netting.
The Corolla Wild Horse Fund earlier this month hired a contractor to mend the fence extending into the ocean at the entrance to the 4×4 beach. The CWHF has worked for several years with Currituck County to get the fencing replaced.
Following Hurricane Dorian flooding, a group of wild horses have been passing through the dilapidated fencing every day to roam Corolla neighborhoods. Among that group was the herd’s legendary Raymond the mule — the product of a local donkey and wild mare’s affair more than 20 years ago — who had to be removed from the beach after walking on pavement exacerbated a problem with his feet.
The temporary fix, wire-mesh fencing, did keep the horses from coming into Corolla, but also acted as a gill net and trapped fish, the CWHF said in a Facebook post.
“We were in contact with the NC Division of Marine Fisheries through the weekend, and definitely must thank them for their willingness to work with us on a better solution,” the fund wrote. “Before we replace the wire with anything else we will consult with Marine Fisheries to make sure it’s safe for all wildlife.
Until then, the wild horses will more than likely be coming into Corolla on the paved road night and during the early morning hours, “so please be on the lookout if you are out driving during those times,” the fund wrote.
“Our staff and volunteers, along with help from the awesome deputies with the Currituck County Sheriff’s Department, will be on hand to safely move the horses back to the 4×4 in the mornings should they escape.”
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This story originally appeared on OBXToday.com. Read More local stories here.
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