The N.C. Utilities Commission is holding a public hearing Wednesday, Aug. 7 in Manteo about a Dominion Energy request to hike electric service rates by 9 percent.
Under Dominion’s proposal, a typical residential customer using 1,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity would see a monthly bill in the winter increase from about $108 to about $118 and summer bills from about $122 to about $134, the utility said. Dominion also proposes that the basic customer charge would increase from $10.40 to $11.92 per month.
The Manteo public hearing, scheduled for 7 p.m. at the Dare County Courthouse, 962 Marshall C Collins Drive, will allow Dominion customers to give testimony on the proposed rate increase, as well as service quality concerns.
Customers can also submit a written statement to the commission via email or by mail. For email, include the docket number (Docket No. E-22 Sub 562) in the subject line. Comments may be mailed to commission at 4325 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-4300. Statements will be made part of the official record, and can be viewed online via the assigned docket number.
The utilities commission is a separate, independent agency that represents the using and consuming public in matters before the Commission, including rate increase requests like this one. You can send the Public Staff a statement, or ask them a question, via email.
This story originally appeared on Read More local stories here.
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